HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024: The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has published a job advertisement for Assistant Professor Vacancy on its official website. Check here for information on how to apply for the HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024, as well as the age limit and qualifications required. HPSC offers lucrative career opportunities with competitive salaries and benefits. Keeping track of HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment recruitment notifications and diligently preparing for the selection process can significantly enhance your chances of securing a position with this prestigious organization.

HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024
HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 Job Notification: The Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) has issued a notification for 2424 vacancies of Assistant Professors (college cadre) in various subjects in the Higher Education Department, Haryana. Candidates interested in and qualified for these positions can submit their applications on or before the 27th of August 2024. This recruitment drive by HPSC offers a promising career path for individuals interested in serving as Assistant Professor in Haryana. Candidates are advised to regularly check the official website for updates and notifications regarding the HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment process.
HPSC Job Notification 2024: Assistant Professor Posts Published
The selection of candidates for these positions will be based on their performance on the Recruitment Test. It is possible to apply for these positions if you have the required educational qualifications and any extra eligibility requirements listed in the notification. You can download the official notification by clicking the link below. Before applying for the position, each candidate should thoroughly read the HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment notification.
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Recruitment 2024 Vacancy Details
Assistant Professor Numerous Recruitment 2024 Announced
Advt No. : 42 to 67 of 2024
Latest HPSC Job Notification 2024
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➡️ Name of Organization: Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
➡️ Location: Haryana
➡️ Name of Post: Assistant Professor
➡️ Job Category: State PSC Jobs
➡️ Number of Vacancies Details: 2424
➡️ Salary Details: ₹ 57,700-182,400/-
➡️ Pay the Application Fee:
For all male candidates except SC/BC-A/BC-B/ESM – ₹ 1,000/-
For Female candidates of all categories and male candidates of SC/BC-A/BC-B/ESM – ₹ 250/-
Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Job Recruitment Eligibility Criteria Details 2024
Candidates interested in applying for HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment must meet the following eligibility criteria:
➡️ Age Limit: 21 – 42 Years
➡️ Essential Educational Qualification: Good academic record with at least 55% of the marks or an equivalent grade of Master’s Degree level or equivalent qualification from an Indian or Foreign University/ recognized institution in a relevant field.
➡️ Recruitment Selection Procedure: The scheme/Pattern of Exam for the HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 are as follows
1. Screening Test
- Total number of MCQs: 100
- Time duration of the exam: 02 hours
- Total Marks: 100
- All questions carry equal marks.
- Each question will have five options (A, B, C, D and E). If a candidate is attempting a question, she/he shall have to darken the appropriate circle A, B, C or D and if not attempting a question then, she/he shall have to darken the E circle. If none of the five circles is darkened, one-fourth (0.25) mark shall be deducted.
- Any candidate not darkening any of the five circles in more than 10% of questions shall be disqualified.
- One-fourth mark will be deducted for each wrong answer.
- The medium of examination will be as under:-
i. Only in the English Language:- Botany. Computer Science Defence Studies. Environmental Science. Chemistry. Home Science. Mathematics. Physics and Zoology.
ii. In Bilingual i.c. English and Ilindi Languagc:- Commerce. Economics. Fine Arts. Mass Communication. Geography, History. Music-(I). Music-(O). Physical Education. Political Science. Psychology. Philosophy and Tourism.
iii. The language subjects such as English, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Punjabi will be in their respective language only. - Candidates four times the number of advertised posts, including bracketed candidates if any, will be called for the next stage of the selection process, provided that they have secured the minimum cut-off marks of 25% in the screening test.
- In cases, where the total number of applicants is less or nearly four times the number of advertised posts, the Commission reserves its right to call the candidates directly for the subject knowledge test
- The marks obtained by the candidates in the screening test will not be counted for final selection because it is only for short listing of candidates, for the subject knowledge test.
2. Subject Knowledge Test
- Time duration of exam: 03 hours
- TotalMarks: 150
- The medium of examination will be as under:-
(i) Only in English Language:- Botany. Computer Science Science. Mathematics. Phvsics an d Zooloey.
(ii) In Bilingual i.e. English and Hindi Language:- Commerce. Science. Psychology. Philosophy and Tourism.
(iii) The language subjects such as English, Hindi, Sanskrit, and Punjabi will be in their respective language only. - The number of the candidates to be called for interviews will be two times, including bracketed candidates if any, of the number of advertised posts provided that they have secured the minimum cutoff marks of 35%.
- The weightage of the subject knowledge test will be 81.5%.
3. Interview/Viva-Voce
The weightage of the interview will be 12.5%.
The final merit list will be prepared by adding the marks of the subject knowledge test and interview/viva voce.
Recollect these Important Dates Notified by Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
🔵Starting date of Online Submission of Application: 7th August 2024
🔴Last date and time for receipt of online applications: 27th August 2024
How to Apply for the vacancies in Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC) Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 (Step by step mode):
1. Candidates must compulsorily register online by visiting regn.hpsc.gov.in directly OR through http://hpsc.gov.in to submit their online application form for HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment.
2. After registration, a login ID will be created and the candidates will have to complete the registration process by using the login ID.
3. Parivar Pehchan Patra (PPP), Aadhar No. & Virtual ID (VID) is required for Aadhar authentication during Biometric attendance
4. After completion of registration, the candidates can apply against the respective advertisement as per their qualifications.
5. A duly filled application form can be submitted only after payment of a requisite fee.
6. After making payment, the candidates must take a printout of their application form and upload the same after duly checking & signing it.
7. The application process will be completed only after the candidates submit the duly signed application form.
Use these Beneficial Links from the Haryana Public Service Commission (HPSC)
👉 Download the HPSC Assistant Professor Recruitment 2024 Notification PDF here
🌐 Official Website: View Now
📋 Govt Jobs: View Now
Interested candidates who are eligible for the job, please read the Official Notification before applying for the post.