JKPSC Prosecuting Officer Mains Admit Card 2023: On its official website, the Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission has released the mains admit cards for the Prosecuting Officer position. The Prosecuting Officer (Main) Examination-2022 is scheduled to be held on May 31, 2023, all throughout the state by JKPSC.

The Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission’s official website, jkpsc.nic.in, is where applicants who passed the preliminary exam for prosecuting officers can download their admit cards for the main exam round.
JKPSC PO Mains Admit Card 2023 Notification PDF
JKPSC Prosecuting Officer Admit Card 2023
JKPSC Prosecuting Officer Admit Card 2023: On May 31, 2023, the Commission will hold the J and K Prosecuting Officer (Main) Examination-2022 throughout the state. The Commission previously published a list of qualifying applicants for the PO post on its official website.
Candidates who passed the preliminary exam are eligible to take the main exam for the Prosecuting Officer position.
Candidates who plan to take the main exam should be aware that the Commission has posted a link to download the main exam admit card on its official website. After entering their login information at the link on the front page, candidates can download their admit cards.
After completing the below-listed steps, you can download your admission card.
How to Download the JKPSC PO Mains Admit Card?
Visit the Jammu Kashmir Public Service Commission’s official website at jkpsc.nic.in.
Go to the home page and log into your JKPSC account.
On the homepage, select the menu item for the admit card.
To download your admit card, click the “Get Admit Card” menu button.
Your admission card can be downloaded and saved for later use.